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Price: 20,00 £


A trumpet is a musical instrument. It is the highest register in the brass family. Trumpets are among the oldest musical instruments,dating back to at least 1500 BC.The trumpet has a very long history, having been used in ancient Egypt, the Near East, and Greece.  During much of that time, however, it was a signaling device sounding only one or two tones. Even in the Roman era, trumpet-like instruments, though prominent in art and literature, are not known to have been used in music. They remained instruments of only a few tones for signaling, announcing, commanding, and ceremonial purposes.  It was not until the 14th and 15th centuries that the more musical possibilities of the long trumpet began to be recognized and used, and the instrument acquired its characteristic folded form.

  • Length: 7 cm
  • Width: 7 cm
  • Height: 18cm

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