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Price: 25,00 £


He knows. By the time a bartender knows what drink a man will have before he orders, there is little else about him worth knowing. Our bartender knows what you need. In a moment he prepares you a drink , so that you will forget God's world . Do not rush. Look how busy the bartender mixed the ingredients that nectar . Perfectly added proportions of liquor to each other. He does it because he knows what you need . Being a bartender is a serious matter. You have to know the recipe for all kinds of human sorrows and every incredible joy . The bartender knows , he understands what you mean . He looks at you only once, when you appear in the doorway of his alcohol temple . He knows...

  • Length: 10 cm
  • Width: 13 cm
  • Height: 18cm

W are a family business with a passion for metal. Our trading and production the company has been operating from 10 years.

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