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Category: Sports


Price: 20,00 £
An original Rugby ball was round and changed shape over a period of time to the oval it is today. They varied in sizes depending on the pig’s bladder they were made from. Gilberts, a local boot maker, took up ball making to supply the School. Othe...

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Category: Sports


Price: 18,00 £
Karate is a self-defence system that combines fast, direct techniques with great power, generated through body mechanics.Generally speaking, the aim of a karateka when forced to fight is to subdue an opponent with one decisive move.At the turn of ...
Icehockey I

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Category: Sports

Icehockey I

Price: 18,00 £
Still others claim that hockey evolved in Northern Europe. At any rate, it is quite likely that ice hockey came into being from different early games played with a stick and a ball. A more definitive history of hockey can start from the mid 1800's...

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Category: Sports


Price: 27,00 £
You are very fast, my horsey ... Riding is a lot more about balance on the move than gripping with your legs.Try to sit squarely in the saddle, moving your body with your horse. The more tense you are, the more you will bounce. Stay in tune with h...
Eguestrian II

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Category: Sports

Eguestrian II

Price: 27,00 £
fly, fly my little ... The history of Equestrian sport dates back over 2,000 years, to when the Greeks introduced Dressage training to prepare their horses for war.It continued to develop as a military exercise through the Middle Ages, with the Th...

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Category: Sports


Price: 27,00 £
A light two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle for one person, used chiefly in trotting races.Currently sulki can be found on the competition. Races are held at three distances 1600 , 2100 and 2650 m . The driver must be careful not passed trotter gallop...

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Category: Sports


Price: 20,00 £
Bowling is one of the oldest and most popular games in the world. Bowling is a sport that can be dated back to circa 3200 BC. In the 1930's, a British anthropologist named Sir Flinders Petrie discovered a collection of objects in a child's grave i...
Surfing on the wave

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Category: Sports

Surfing on the wave

Price: 22,00 £
This may be the biggest wave of my life .... It wasn't until 1779 that the Western world heard of surfing, when the writings of Lieutenant James King, assigned to a British expedition led by Captain James Cook, published his accounts of the Hawaii...

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Category: Sports


Price: 20,00 £
But I'm a big ... The human body has over 600 muscles , which contain more than 6 billion muscle fibers. Each fiber is so strong that it can support the weight of the burden of surpassing them 1,000 times. When you exercise , your body releases c...

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Category: Sports


Price: 22,00 £
The origin of Japan's martial arts is vague, and what we know of it, is more legend than truth. However, the takenouchi-ryu martial art system founded in 1532 is considered the beginning of Japan's jujitsu forms. The system's founder taught jujits...

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Category: Sports


Price: 18,00 £
It was too fast ... The word ski comes from the Old Norse word "skíð" which means stick of wood or ski.[3] The word "ski" has a wider meaning in Norwegian, for instance "vedski" meaning "splitwood for making fire" or "skigard" meaning "a wooden s...

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Category: Sports


Price: 22,00 £
This is a occupation for real man ... Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is...

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Category: Sports


Price: 20,00 £
Available male or female. Tennis is a perfect combination of violent action taking place in an atmosphere of total tranquillity.Tennis truly is the "sport for a lifetime"-you can play from your earliest years until your latest. Tennis keeps you he...
Boxing I

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Category: Sports

Boxing I

Price: 20,00 £
Boxing became a workingman's sport during the Industrial Revolution as prizefights attracted participants and spectators from the working class. Organization was minimal at first, and the bouts of those eras resembled street fights more than moder...

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Category: Sports


Price: 18,00 £
The ancient Greeks practiced commercial and military diving, usually with little or no equipment. In the Iliad, Homer describes the use of divers in the Trojan Wars; Greek laws regulating those who dived for sunken treasure are found as early as t...

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Category: Sports


Price: 20,00 £
“To success there is no elevator. You must go upstairs. If you fall from the stairs – try go up second time – even if your leg is broken.” This metaphor is perfect for anyone who does workout at a gym. Look at this figure. Whole of his body fights...
Roll boy-bench

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Category: Sports

Roll boy-bench

Price: 18,00 £
 Early skates were similar to today's inline skates, but they were not very manoeuvrable; it was very difficult with these skates to do anything but move in a straight line and perhaps make wide sweeping turns. During the rest of the 19th cen...

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Category: Sports


Price: 15,00 £
Basketball and volleyball were both invented at Springfield College in Massachusetts within a few years of one another. In 1895, William G. Morgan, after watching basketball develop, decided to invent a less strenuous sport for older people. He ca...

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