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Category: Life situations


Price: 15,00 £
The foundation of skateboarding is rolling. Let's really spend some time getting good at that. Rolling is what makes all the other tricks fun. Doing your tricks with some speed will really step up your game. So don't skip to more advanced tricks u...

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Category: Sports


Price: 25,00 £
Cycling is a beautiful sport. We hear it all the time. We experience it when we ride and race. For the ever-increasing number of us that have caught the cycling bug, we know how happy cycling makes us.Cycling is something that just about anyone ca...
Roll boy-stairs

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Category: Sports

Roll boy-stairs

Price: 20,00 £
The only equipment you really need to roller skate is a pair of skates that fit you. You can buy a pair from a sporting goods store or rent a pair from any roller skating rink. Skate sizes are typically the same as standard shoe sizes.Practice unt...

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Category: Jobs


Price: 18,00 £
In existence since 2900) B.C., the city of Babylon, under the rule of King Nebuchadnezzar (605-562 B.C.), had spread on both sides of the Euphrates River. It covered 500 acres. Many of the houses were three stories high whose flat roofs were buttr...

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Category: Music


Price: 20,00 £
John Lennon had always been a supreme individualist: a man apart, training to become high priest of the cult of the self.Much of his enduring appeal is based on his status as the outsider, the champion of the common man, thumbing his nose at the g...

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Category: Jobs


Price: 25,00 £
Under the lamp in his/her office  the dentist tenderly cares for you, our congenial doctor . In just  a moment he will begin to bore your aching tooth . You know it's necessary, why do not you try to escape from fear. This tooth  hu...

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Category: Jobs


Price: 20,00 £
Hurrah! I graduated from high school ! What a thrill !!! From now on I alone decide about my life , finally I can fulfill all my dreams ! I can be a millionaire , an inventor , a lawyer or a doctor ... parents will be proud of me and grandma will ...

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Category: Jobs


Price: 25,00 £

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Category: Desk tidy


Price: 9,00 £
Most penguins spend about ¾ of their time in the water. Their bodies are designed to easily adapt to the water. They have feathers that help them to move but also to keep the water from reaching their body. This is important as they have to...
Medical rescuer

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Category: Jobs

Medical rescuer

Price: 18,00 £
Also known as emergency medical responders, these professionals are the earliest healthcare workers to arrive at an accident or scene of a medical emergency. As a crucial part of the emergency medical assistance team, a first responder quickly ass...

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Category: Jobs


Price: 20,00 £
Occupation of a photographer is a meeting with interesting people and new challenges ever, and in the case of the work in the fashion industry or the media - always being there where something is important. What counts the most of  all is a t...

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Category: Jobs


Price: 25,00 £
Seamstresses offer an important service to society, but they are rarely considered elite. This has not always been the case, however. In most civilizations, those who were able to create attractive clothes and fitted garments were originally in ve...
Don Kichote

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Category: Life situations

Don Kichote

Price: 27,00 £
Don Quixote is far the best known work of Spanish literature in England and, indeed, everywhere outside Spain. The word ‘quixotic’ has passed into the English language, though it is often misused as a synonym for ‘whimsical’ or ‘idiosyncratic’. On...
House painter

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Category: Jobs

House painter

Price: 20,00 £
The world is divided into two groups—the color courageous and the color cowardly. People who live in colorful interiors have gotten over the fear of making a mistake. The best way to get over that fear is to always start with a color you lov...

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Category: Life situations


Price: 20,00 £
Hiker is a man cultivating climbing. Usually, he/she is characterized by lack of attention to his/hers lives , masochism and convincing everyone around him that what he does is safe. Most often they occur in herds , around the mountains, rocks and...

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Category: Sports


Price: 20,00 £
The first recorded pair of roller skates were used for a theatrical performance in London in 1743, unfortunately the inventor’s name has been lost to history, but the idea soon caught on and by 1819 M. Petitbled patented the first roller ska...
Fisherman II

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Category: Sports

Fisherman II

Price: 20,00 £
A young man walking along the Pier notices an old man with his shoes off, trouser legs rolled up, legs dangling in the sea and fishing with an imaginary rod.Puzzled the young man asks, "What are you doing?"The old man replies, "Fishing for cunts."...

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