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Category: Zoo


Price: 6,00 £
Parrots travel in flocks. They communicate by shrieking, squawking, or twittering. Parrots feed mostly on plant parts, including blossoms, buds, fruit, leaves, nuts, pollen, and seeds. A few parrot species also eat small invertebrates, such as ins...

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Category: Desk tidy


Price: 7,00 £
With strong eyesight (100 times more effective in dim light than humans), owls are specifically adapted to hunting at night or in low levels of light. Their eyes are immovably fixed in the front of the head and, as a result, they must move their h...

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Category: Zoo


Price: 7,00 £
Dog history is really the history of the partnership between dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and humans. That partnership is based on human needs for help with herding and hunting, an early alarm system, and a source of food in addition to the compa...
Cat I

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Category: Desk tidy

Cat I

Price: 7,00 £
Cats long ago became the most popular pet everywhere in America — except in our veterinary offices, where they still trail dogs when it comes to getting the care they need. (In the weeks to come, I'll be writing more about how that can and s...

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Category: Zoo


Price: 7,00 £
Scorpions are not properly insects, but belong with spiders, mites and ticks to the Arachnidae. The scorpions of Palestine are usually 2 or 3 inches long. The short cephalothorax bears a powerful pair of jaws, two long limbs terminating with pince...

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Category: Desk tidy


Price: 7,00 £
Cock is the symbol of pride because of his appearance. He is also the symbol of the Sun because he wakes everybody up in the morning, he is the one who announces the rise of the Sun and greets the Sun. As the symbol of emerging light he is a parti...
Piggy small

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Category: Desk tidy

Piggy small

Price: 7,00 £
Pigs snuggle close to one another and prefer to sleep nose to nose. They dream, much as humans do. In their natural surroundings, pigs spend hours playing, sunbathing, and exploring. People who run animal sanctuaries for farmed animals often repor...
Elephant small

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Category: Zoo

Elephant small

Price: 7,00 £
The elephant is considered to be a symbol of good luck in many cultures, even modern Western ones. This veneration originated in India and south-east Asia, where the Hindu religion is particularly responsible for much of the honour assigned to the...

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Category: Zoo


Price: 7,00 £
After dark, he ventures forth to forage for food. He pauses a cautious moment, facing his burrow and testing the neighborhood with his sensitive feelers. If things seem safe, he prowls around using his pincers to grab drifting eggs, larvae and sma...

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Category: Zoo


Price: 8,00 £
There is something else about a cat that is very appealing. Cats have some vocabulary though not our gift for language: you could say cats don’t talk-the-talk, just walk-the-walk. All the same they do have a remarkable way to communicate thr...

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Category: Zoo


Price: 8,00 £
Mice are much like humans in how their bodies and minds work. This is why laboratories use mice as test subjects for medicines and other items that may be used on humans. Nearly all modern medicine is tested on mice before they go to human medical...

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Category: Zoo


Price: 8,00 £
The spider is one of the most popular animal symbols that are considered to be a sign of good luck by many cultures. This fact alone is enough to have created a lot of spider superstitions over the ages. The Christians regarded the spider as sacre...
Bear - for pen

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Category: Desk tidy

Bear - for pen

Price: 9,00 £
Bears are very smart and have been known to roll rocks into bear traps to set off the trap and eat the bait in safety.Bears can run up to 40 miles per hour, fast enough to catch a running horse. The fastest known human alive today is Usain Bolt, w...

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Category: Zoo


Price: 9,00 £
Bull symbolizes strength and fertility in Hinduism. The cow here represents a fruitful earth while the bull is the fertile sky. The Rig-Veda associated the bull to a heavenly creature that fertilized the earth with his sperm. This bull was known a...
Lion standing

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Category: Desk tidy

Lion standing

Price: 9,00 £
Lion is the incarnation of power, wisdom and justice. He is the king of all animals, strong, sovereign, solar symbol. Sometimes, in contrary, his extreme pride leads him to a tyranny. His symbolism balances between admiration and intolerance. Kris...
Lion sitting

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Category: Zoo

Lion sitting

Price: 9,00 £
As the sun sets on the African Savannah, lionesses can be spotted prowling the open land, hunting and making kills, often as a group. Males are more often lounging around during this time, leading some observers to the assumption that they’r...

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Category: Desk tidy


Price: 9,00 £
Most penguins spend about ¾ of their time in the water. Their bodies are designed to easily adapt to the water. They have feathers that help them to move but also to keep the water from reaching their body. This is important as they have to...

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Category: Zoo


Price: 9,00 £
The Frog was worn as a protective talisman by both the living and the deceased.Meaning of the Frog: To the ancient Egyptians the Frog symbolized mortal life, rebirth and resurrection.The Frog amulet was made of a variety of materials including gol...

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