Zoo [2/2]

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Premium collection of surprising handmade decorations


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Category: Zoo


Price: 15,00 £
Cows have almost total 360 degree panoramic vision and are able to see colors, except red. They can detect odors up to 5 miles away. Cows can hear lower and higher frequencies better than humans.Per day, a cows spends 6 hours eating and 8 hours ch...

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Category: Desk tidy


Price: 7,00 £
Cock is the symbol of pride because of his appearance. He is also the symbol of the Sun because he wakes everybody up in the morning, he is the one who announces the rise of the Sun and greets the Sun. As the symbol of emerging light he is a parti...
Cat I

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Category: Desk tidy

Cat I

Price: 7,00 £
Cats long ago became the most popular pet everywhere in America — except in our veterinary offices, where they still trail dogs when it comes to getting the care they need. (In the weeks to come, I'll be writing more about how that can and s...

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Category: Zoo


Price: 8,00 £
There is something else about a cat that is very appealing. Cats have some vocabulary though not our gift for language: you could say cats don’t talk-the-talk, just walk-the-walk. All the same they do have a remarkable way to communicate thr...

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Category: Zoo


Price: 9,00 £
Bull symbolizes strength and fertility in Hinduism. The cow here represents a fruitful earth while the bull is the fertile sky. The Rig-Veda associated the bull to a heavenly creature that fertilized the earth with his sperm. This bull was known a...
Bear - for pen

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Category: Desk tidy

Bear - for pen

Price: 9,00 £
Bears are very smart and have been known to roll rocks into bear traps to set off the trap and eat the bait in safety.Bears can run up to 40 miles per hour, fast enough to catch a running horse. The fastest known human alive today is Usain Bolt, w...

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